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LTBP-GIS-Newsletter. Issue No. 3, 2000

»New datasets since April 1999 - continued
3. The dataset of the newsletter was the gazetteer constructed by Becky Silverside (David's daughter) over the summer. We have circulated it widely, but if you haven't got a copy, contact Anne at the address below. We'd be grateful if people could give us some feedback on the dataset. For instance, are there alternative spellings for some of the places, are they spelled correctly at all and are they in the correct location? And if you realise we have missed a location, then please give us the latitude and longitude of that position, particularly if it important to your work.

4. Several other students have been working with NRI over the summer and they managed to enhance some of our existing datasets. They located and named 3759 settlements in Burundi, Tanzania and Zambia and this is included in the Settlements dataset (Fig. 4). They digitised a 1:50 000 map of the coastline, far more accurate and at a much better scale than any data we had up to now. They also digitised the road from Uvira to Kigoma via Burundi.

5. During Alan's visit to the region in June, a more complete picture of the GIS resources around the region was realised. The GIS contacts database developed in May has been updated and is distributed in paper format at the back of Alan's visit report (Fig. 5). It is also available on request. If there are any errors or omissions, please contact Alan on +44 1634 883366 or A request has been sent to collaborators in DR Congo to update their GIS facilities
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