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LTBP-GIS-Newsletter. Issue No. 3, 2000

»New datasets since April 1999 - continued
6. The Special Studies (SS) dataset shows locations where SS teams have carried out activity (Fig. 6). During his visit, Alan managed to talk to most SS collaborators, and now a more comprehensive picture of pollution, sedimentation, fishing practices and biodiversity activity in Burundi and Tanzania was produced. After meeting Olivier Drieu recently, we hope to complete the picture for Zambia.

7. The first 50 records entered into the BIOSS database for Tanzania have been joined into the GIS. Maps of survey work in Mahale National Park can now be mapped (Fig. 7). The BIOSS survey database can be updated routinely with little effort, an we hope that the other datasets will come on stream soon, and that we are able to assist the BIOSS team in producing their outputs.

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