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LTBP-GIS-Newsletter. Issue No. 3, 2000

»New datasets since April 1999
This is a list of some datasets NRI have collected for the LTBP since the last newsletter:

1. Using the BIOSS teams data from 1:50 000 maps, we have digitised the coastline of Mahale National Park showing the dominant substrates along the coast. The dataset is hoped to be expanded to cover similar surveys in Burundi, Zambia and other parts of Tanzania. The map on the left shows the extent of the survey (and you can just make out the different types of substrate). The right hand map is an enlargement of the boxed area, and is the more likely scale that this will be used at (Fig. 2).

2. We have taken the Aerial Frame survey carried out in 1993 by LTR and created a GIS layer showing the locations and numbers of fishing boats. It shows some interesting concentrations of boats, not only in centres of population but in key locations near National Parks (Fig. 3)

Nb: The complete set is available as a .zip archive (290K).
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