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LTBP-GIS-Newsletter. Issue No. 2, 1999
» New Datasets since January

This is a list of some datasets NRI have collected for the LTBP since the last newsletter:
  1. Land Cover Classification of Tanzania, scale 1 : 240 000 (shown above). This digital data set covers the area of Tanzania within the Lake Tanganyika Catchment. It is divided into tiles based on the 1:240 000 topographical map index. There are a series of datasets for each tile for forest and administration boundaries, game reserves, rivers, vegetation, parks and graticules.
  2. Index map showing the location of the 1:40 000 topographic maps in Burundi and Tanzania.
  3. Index map showing the location of the 1:240 000 topographic maps in Tanzania.
  4. Index map showing the location of the 1:124 000 geologic maps in Tanzania.
  5. Index map showing the location of the 1:240 000 topographic maps in Zambia.
  6. Location of drainage basins, river systems and of rivers and lake bathymetry around Burundi, Gombe, Kabesi, Lubulu and Luiche. The Sedimentation Special study interpolated survey data using the Surfer Program.
  7. A copy of the Tanzanian National Environmental Monitoring Council (NEMC) Pollution Abatement Database showing locations of waste or stored chemicals has been received.
  8. The most recent BIOSS database structures have been received. These are the current literature database and a framework survey databases. If you have copies of these databases and are maintaining these, please send Anne Jackson the required information. See the help desk for guide to giving us data in the correct format
  9. A draft pollution database has been developed for the project to start recording the locations of pollution events (such as oil spills and chemical dumps) and to locate constant sources of pollution (e.g. sewage outfall). If you have any information on where these are located, please let Anne Jackson know. We would also like to link it with the ongoing pollution monitoring in the region.

nbsp;NRI would like to thank all the above for their support and hope that they continue to help the GIS component. Have you got any datasets that may be useful to the whole project? See data requests for the LTBP wish list for data

More details about these datasets can be found in the short and long catalogues.

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