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LTBP-GIS-Newsletter. Issue No. 2, 1999
» Data requests

NRI are still trying to gather useful datasets. We have gotten some response last time but we're still keen for everyone to help. In particular, if you have any information in the following areas, we would be glad to hear from you.


Pollution data - Draft databases on this are now available and linked to TANGIS. One dataset is for hotspots of pollution (sites of sewage outfalls, industrial centres, mining seepage etc.). The other is to keep a record of one off events (e.g. an oil spill in a harbour). Please send us any information you may have on either type of pollution event. Also it you are maintaining other databases concerning pollution (e.g. from your surveys) please contact us so we can make a reference in the metadatabase.

Weather data - Any sources of digital data. Mostly, we are interested in monthly (possibly dekad?) rainfall data (from any time). Average temperature, Minimum and maximum temperature, or other climatic data.

Population statistics - We are looking for census data more recent than 1993, preferably at Ward level (or village/town) but district data would be welcome.

Refugee data - Does anybody have an up to date source of population statistics; either by camp or by district?

Fishing data - Use of beach seines, tam tams - can anyone tell us where beach seines and tam tams are being used? Please give us a GPS location, or else the name of the village where you have seen these in use. Any extra details would also be helpful (including the date of your observation)

**When passing us information, we particularly need to have a x, y location in latitude longitude (decimal degrees), name of site, nature of features before you give us any other details. Please send your contact details with your name, address, phone, fax and email if possible. Ensure you give us as accurate a location and time of observation as possible when you are recording events or surveys.

GIS Contacts database
- a simple database is under construction that lists the GIS facilities in the region. If you use GIS in any way, please contact Anne Jackson (see contact details) who can supply you with details of the information required. We are looking for information on the hardware and software that you have, the training experience and the capabilities of the GIS unit. The database will eventually be published on the web site and we hope to encourage people to exchange information and experience to assist in using GIS for the project.

Send your data to Anne Jackson (see Contact details)

See help desk for guide to giving us data in the correct format
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