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LTBP-GIS-Newsletter. Issue No. 2, 1999

Alan Mills will be visiting the region to start discussing the transferral of the metadatabase and database to the region. You can contact him through the project offices in Bujumbura and Dar between the 1st and 18th June
»Dataset of the month
Land Cover Classification of Tanzania, produced at USDM for the Tanzanian Government by theTanzanian Natural Resources Information Centre (TANRIC). Scale 1 : 240 000

The dataset was produced in a collaboration between Hunting Technical Services and the Institute of Resource Assessment at UDSM for the Tanzanian Government. LTBP have purchased 16 tiles of data based around the 1:240000 sheet index. The above map shows the vegetation map layer produced by joining the 16 tiles together. The key is shown above with bright yellow delimiting areas of bare soil, jade green is closed woodland, cream/red speckled is bushland with scattered cultivation. A very distinctive pattern appears from this map. Areas of cultivation and human disturbance are far greater in the north of the Malagarasi catchment. The forest areas close to the lake contrast with the open areas of grass/bush in the east. Other datasets were purchased with these tiles such as boundaries, forests, game reserves, graticules (co-ordinate system locations), parks and rivers. Such datasets may provide crucial inputs into sediment monitoring, pollution sites and socio-economic studies in Tanzania. It also provides some baseline biodiversity information.

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