By undertaking this collaborative exercise, the four countries demonstrate their commitment to a regional and collaborative approach to the management of the lake in a number of distinct ways, including:
- Acceptance of the precautionary principle - This essentially states that you do not wait until you have complete scientific and technical information before taking action. You use the information you have at hand;
- Breaking down major 'insoluble' sectoral problems into discrete and sequential targeted management interventions;
- Acceptance of national responsibility for national actions to counteract threats to a regional resource;
- Commitment, by countries, to management interventions that can be initiated with available resources - This is important. By breaking the problems down and identifying a series of sequential management actions that in themselves may not require large resources, it is possible for the countries to make progress and show commitment and in doing so attract the additional resources that may be required to undertake larger scale interventions.
En | Fr | Final SAP Document. 2000. 70p. - [936K]