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 What is LTBP?
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The Problem
Of greatest consequence to the lake is the threat to its biological richness caused by the presence and activities of one overwhelmingly influential species - humankind. The accelerating rate of environmental change caused by human activities is now much faster than the fauna's adaptive capabilities. Although, of course, people are themselves a vital part of the region's biodiversity, there is a real danger that through its overwhelming influence, biodiversity will be converted into biomonopoly!

The Lake's problems start on the land. Ownership and responsibility for land maintenance is uncertain and information on better techniques has not reached the practitioners, most of whom have not been trained to look towards the long-term sustainability of their natural resources.They see their problems as immediate. Solutions, short term and long term, biological and sociological, legal and practical, must be found. Knowledge and understanding of the complexities of the changing ecology are needed in order to educate the only animal capable of deliberately changing its habits into a more fruitful integration with the environment. It is these problems that the project addresses.

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