Regional Steering Committee - Is the principal institutional mechanism for regional co-operation within the project and for maintaining, directing and supporting its activities. It was formalised at its first meeting in September 1997 and comprises:
The PCU acts as secretariat and a senior member of the NRI Consortium management committee attends as resource person.
The terms of reference were agreed to be :
- provide overall direction of the project;
- review the progress of the project and the various national activities, ensuring a regionally integrated approach;
- direct on policy matters, and monitor the utilisation and availability of counterpart staff;
- approve future planning, and make recommendations to the executing agency as to changes in project timetables, inputs and budgets which may be necessary from time to time;
- provide guidance and support to the Technical Advisory Committee and Project Co-ordinator.
National Steering Committees (NSC) - As a means of enhancing national ownership and involvement at decision making level it was decided at the Tripartite Review and meeting of the Steering Committee in February 1998, to create National Steering Committees in each of the four countries to be convened by National Co-ordinators. It was suggested that all relevant line ministries should be invited to be represented at Permanent Secretary level. In addition, local/provincial, private sector and NGO representation should also be invited, at the discretion of the country concerned.