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The TANGPATH Model is summarised in Appendix 3 and was reviewed by O. Drieu, A. Mills and G. Patterson of LTBP and their review is summarised in Appendix 4. Overall it is felt that the model provides an interesting view of the work conducted but provides only limited practical assistance to an understanding of the dynamics of Lake Tanganyika and the potential for tracing the fate of pollutants or suspended sediments in the lake.


A key output in the description of services that LTBP felt was not satisfactorily completed related to training. In particular the requirement to hold a workshop to demonstrate the practical use of the model for the pollution and sediment studies. This shortcoming was drawn to the attention of UNOPS for onward transmission to FAO and directly to the LTR, CTA. Unfortunately, and in spite of an extension of the time period for completion of the IAA, the workshop did not take place. The LTR CTA believing that this requirement had been satisfied through on-the-job training.


Overall the Lake Circulation work has powerfully advanced knowledge of the hydrology of Lake Tanganyika. Integration of this work into the overall objectives of the GEF LTBP was weak. It is suggested that this weakness principally stems from the fact that the priorities of the Lake Circulation work and that of the LTBP were never fully integrated and this was too difficult given the way the programme was administered.


En Appendix 1 - Review by R. Spigel, University of Canterbury, New Zealand of Flow, Thermal Regime and Sediment Transport Studies in Lake Tanganyika, edited by Timo Huttula, Kuopio University Publications, 1997; 173 pages + appendices. 2000. 6p. - [21K]
En Appendix 2 - Authors notes on the Review of 'Flow, Thermal Regime and Sediment Transport Studies in Lake Tanganyika' edited by Timo Huttula, Kuopio University Publications, 1997; 173 pages + appendices by Dr. B Spigel, October 1998'.
6p. - [17K]
En Appendix 3 - The TANGPATH Model. 2000. 2p. - [8K]
En Appendix 3 - Comments on TANGPATH Model. 2000. 2p. - [7K]
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